Sunday, September 9, 2012


The Human.
The one who feels love.
The one who feels pain.
The one who feels weakness and hunger.
The one who feels curiosity.
Who constantly learns.
Gains strength from thoughts, emotions, ideas.
Makes music and art solely on creativity, emotion and feelings.
The one who fights.
The one who fights for a reason.
The one who fights for their rights.
For their home.
For love.
For their equality.
For their life.
The one who has a reason to be the violent being it is.
Fueled with passion and love.
Armored with its spirit and soul.
Unlike the device or the robot,
You cannot contain this spirit.
This passion, this heart, this soul,
This Human will not let itself be controlled.


  1. This is a really nice poem. Good job.

  2. Wonderful. It was a wonderful poem. I borrowed the line "the one who fights for their rights."
