Sunday, September 9, 2012

There's a Writer in Everyone

Anyone can write.  Everyone has some kind of fire burning in them, some kind of drive.  Everyone has something to say, even people who seem like they wouldn't or don't have the desire to say what they want.  There are some people who are scared to say what is on their mind and what they are feeling because they are afraid no one will listen to them or that someone will judge them.  Everyone has a right to say what they feel and one of the best ways to do that is writing it down.  So what if someone doesn't agree with it? It's important to you and that's all that matters.  Anyone can write down what they are feeling, and that is the writer in everyone.  The writer in you is everything you are feeling.  You find the writer in you by going to your "Paris" and not just visiting and being a tourist.  You live there, you feel comfortable there and everyone has the opportunity to become comfortable with their own "Paris." 
Even Liam Stallone has a writer in him

1 comment:

  1. "Everyone has some kind of fire burning in them" very cool, i put it in my journal
